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Customer Visits

Before customers visit the factory, we can conduct ISO internal audit of the factory according to THE REQUIREMENTS of ISO. Internal audit is carried out according to the requirements of ISO. Special matters needing attention are also easy for customers to ask as follows:

1. The appearance and positioning management of the quality Department and the production plant shall be well managed before customer audit and remind the workshop to pay attention to it;

2. The quality Department shall prepare the qualified test report and put it on the site of the quality Department, and the test record shall be audited;

3, the past unqualified situation to have data, unqualified report, if there is a perfect processing procedures (unqualified causes to find out, corrective and preventive measures to improve, unqualified products have been processed) unqualified report at least 3 copies for customer review;

4. Production records are complete, signature and audit have been completed, and there are no irregular operation steps;

5, staff training records should be prepared, it is best to prepare three-level training records (factory level, department level, post training);

6, the production site and the laboratory site of the instrument and equipment have been external or internal school, and pasted labels;

7, laboratory staff neatly dressed, production personnel wear work clothes, wear safety protection tools;

8. First pass rate and statistical data of the production workshop;

9, can visit the production site, it is best to have customers need to produce products, and this product must be able to ensure qualified production, if not qualified, do not recommend the production of this product;

10. The qualified rate of the customer's products and what products do the customer have?

Release time:Wed Jan 22
NO.501 Dongshe Road, Dongjing Town, Songjiang District, Shanghai,China,201600